When Mary Blandy fell in love with a Scottish nobleman in 1747, she had no idea that in just a few years, her father would be murdered and she would find herself at the center of an international scandal.
Jenkin, Anna. “Perceptions of the Murderess in London and Paris, 1674-1789,” 2015.
Rivington, John and James. The Tryal of Mary Blandy, Spinster For the Murder of Her Father, Francis Blandy, Gent. at the Assizes Held at Oxford for the County of Oxford, on Saturday the 29th of February, 1752, 1752.
Roughead, William, ed. Trial of Mary Blandy, 1914.
Walker, Garthine. “Imagining the Unimaginable: Parricide in Early Modern England and Wales, C.1600–C.1760.” Journal of Family History 41, no. 3 (2016): 271–93.
Watkin, Amy. “Women Who Should Be Pretty Pissed OFF: Mary Blandy: The O.J. Simpson of the 18th Century.” McSweeney's Internet Tendency, April 29, 2016. https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/mary-blandy-the-oj-simpson-of-the-18th-century.
“What Was The 'Bloody Code'?” National Justice Museum. National Justice Museum, 2019. https://www.nationaljusticemuseum.org.uk/museum/news/what-was-the-bloody-code.
Music: Dellasera by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com