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Episode 35 - Bravo: Poison at the Priory

The 30-year-old barrister Charles Bravo died after an excruciating three-day battle with poison. The case was doused in clues, a fact that detectives hoped would aid in their quest for justice, but only hindered it. The list of suspects grew, and investigators struggled to cross names off their lists for good. The problem was that there were far too many people with reasons to poison the man.

It's a classic whodunnit.

Who killed Charles Bravo?

Episode 35- Bravo: Poison at the Priory is available now on Spotify, Apple & all major platforms.


“A Mysterious Death in Balham: Charles Bravo and the Housemaid.” London Overlooked: Stories from the Old Smoke.

Bridges, Yseult. How Charles Bravo Died (London: The Reprint Society, 1957).

Ruddick, James. Death at the Priory: Love, Sex, and Murder in Victorian England (New York: Grove Press, 2001).

Trevedi, Chriag. “Victorian Whodunnit Solved.” BBC News Online. 13 January, 2003.

Music: Dellasera by Shane Ivers -

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