If you recognize the name Fatty Arbuckle at all, it is likely in conjunction with Hollywood's greatest scandal. He's known as the man who raped and murdered an actress. And the woman he supposedly murdered is recognized solely as the girl raped by Fatty Arbuckle. All she is remembered for now is a bunch of lies and a single day that no one, to this day, even fully understands. This episode and the last are for her. These episodes are dedicated to finding the real Virginia Rappe and setting the truth straight about the Labor Day of 1921 that changed Hollywood forever.
Albuquerque Morning Journal, November 23, 1921
Callahan, Vicki. "Joan Myers on 'The Search for Virginia Rappe in Film History'.” Vicki Callahan, July 1, 2009. http://www.vickicallahan.com/interviews/interview-with-joan-myers-the-search-for-virginia-rappe-in-film-history/
The Day Book, June 11, 1915
"Doctors Tell Bruises at Arbuckle Inquest." The Los Angeles Herald, September 14, 1921.
Fischer, Elizabeth (2004) "The Fatty Arbuckle Trial: The Injustice of the Century,"
Constructing the Past: Vol. 5 : Iss. 1 , Article 5.
Available at: https://digitalcommons.iwu.edu/constructing/vol5/iss1/5
Kennard, K. Sellars, "Rupture of the Female Urinary Bladder." in The Medico-legal Journal. Vol. 39-40 (New York: A. W. Herzog, 1922.), p. 71-77.
Merritt, Greg. Room 1219: The Life of Fatty Arbuckle, the Mysterious Death of Virginia Rappe, and the Scandal that Changed Hollywood. (Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 2013.)
Myers, Joan. "The Case of the Vanishing Juror." Feminism 3.0 Praxis and Archives, 2009. https://www.feminismthreepointzero.com/?page_id=33
The New York Times, September 11, 1921.
September 12, 1921.
September 14, 1921.
September 15, 1921.
September 24, 1921.
September 27, 1921.
October 6, 1921.
November 23, 1921.
November 26, 1921.
November 29, 1921.
December 5, 1921.
January 20, 1922.
February 2, 1922.
April 13, 1922.
Reeder, Thomas, Mr. Suicide: Henry “Pathe” Lehrman and The Birth of Silent Comedy. (Albany: Bear Manor Media, 2017).
The San Francisco Call, January 3, 1913
The Seattle Star, September 17, 1921.
Soares, Andre. "Fatty Arbuckle Virginia Rappe Trial: Researcher Joan Myers Discusses Scandal." Thinking Film, 2007. https://www.altfg.com/film/fatty-arbuckle-virginia-rappe/
"Spite Work: The Trials of Virginia Rappe and Fatty Arbuckle." https://peoplevsarbuckle.com/blog/
Stans, Lea. "A Closer Look–And Different Perspective–On The “Arbuckle Scandal.” Silentology, September 15, 2021. https://silentology.wordpress.com/2021/09/15/a-closer-look-and-different-perspective-on-the-arbuckle-scandal/
Stans, Lea. "The “Arbuckle Scandal” Turns 100–Some Facts And Trivia." Silentology, September 10, 2021. https://silentology.wordpress.com/2021/09/10/the-arbuckle-scandal-turns-100-some-facts-and-trivia/
Stans, Lea. "What Happened To Virginia Rappe?–Featuring A Q&A With Tracey Goessel." Silentology, September 21, 2021. https://silentology.wordpress.com/2021/09/21/what-happened-to-virginia-rappe-featuring-a-qa-with-tracey-goessel/
“Virginia Blamed Lover, Says Nurse.”Ludington Daily News, September 13, 1921.
Whitehead, Aaron T., "The “Fatty” Arbuckle Scandal, Will Hays, and Negotiated Morality in 1920s America" (2015). http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/theses/1469
The Washington Times, September 12, 1921.
September 17, 1921.
Music: Dellasera by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com